
You are visiting the AFCEA Space Coast website, but we are part of a larger family that makes up AFCEA International.  Together, we are 30,000+ members strong and reach across the U.S. and the World.  All members join AFCEA International and then choose an affiliation with a local organization branch like AFCEA NOVA.  As the largest and most active AFCEA local affiliate in the World, we are proud to count so many of you as members of AFCEA NOVA.

Join AFCEA Intl Now   or   Renew Your Membership

Benefits of Individual Membership

  • SIGNAL Magazine – The premier professional journal of communications, electronics, intelligence and information systems.
  • Through our 151 Chapters worldwide, access to an extensive network of government and industry professionals in the fields of IT, communications, intelligence and homeland security.

Excellent Networking Opportunities

Preferred Providers

Membership Fees:

While all dues support the Association’s mission of serving the communications, electronics, intelligence, and information technology communities, $20 ($7 for students) is designated for the magazine subscription and is non-deductible. No portion should be considered a charitable contribution but may qualify as a business deduction.

  • One Year: $75
  • One Year Junior Enlisted (E1 – E6 and international equivalents): $20
  • Three Years: $120
  • Lifetime Membership: $1,500

IMPORTANT: If you are not already logged into the AFCEA Portal, you will need a username and password. Your username is your member number. If you are a first-time user of the portlet, your Password is your last name, entered in lowercase. Please take the opportunity to change your password during this first visit to ensure continued security of your personal information.

Note: If you would prefer not to submit your membership online, please call 800.336.4583 ext. 6158, toll-free in the US, or 1-703-631-6158, outside the US or from the Washington DC area